Tuesday, May 25, 2010

More why, less what

In his TED talk, Simon Sinek proposes that the number one reason people will buy stuff from you is not what you offer, but why. He uses Apple Computers as an example. The Apple Sales pitch isn't:

"We make great computers. They're beautifully designed, simple to use and user friendly. Want to buy one?"

He says, but rather something more like this:

"Everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe in thinking differently. The way we challenge the status quo is by making our products beautifully designed, simple to use and user friendly. We just happen to make great computers. Want to buy one?"

Sinek refers to the Golden Circle as the simple, seemingly secret to spreading ideas and sharing stories.

What comprises the Golden Circle?

Your purpose, your cause, why should anyone care about what your organization does?

Find an organization to work or volunteer for that we think will do what we want to do.

All the stuff, the events, we do.

Do you suppose that works for us as well?

Ever think about why you expect people to show up to your event or to follow your movement or join your cause?

A) "We're the big church on the corner. We have lots going on. You should come and help us!"

What if we go to the Golden Circle.

We probably have the how handled. The what seems to take care of itself. We can all put events on the calendar like nobody's business.

The why, though.

Do we really understand it?

I'm not sure I can even articulate why I do what I do, or want to do, much less understand why the organization I work for does what it does.


B) "Everything we do, we do to reconcile people to God. We seek together to find ways to honor our physical needs and our abilities and capacities to find ways to meet and express them. We honor community and living our faith and answering our call to be the people of God together by studying together, eating together, and playing together. We offer our abilities and our limitations together by working on service projects so that we can live in the Way God's people have been living for thousands of years. We realize there is a person created in God's image within everyone of us and we struggle together to find that connection to God and to our true selves that has eluded us since almost the very beginning through worship and through building small groups and communities. Want to join us in the journey?"

A or B?

Which one attracted me to the movement?

Why do you ask?

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