Thursday, December 17, 2009

On being grown

A buddy left a ministry event early because "she wasn't feeling well."

It wasn't like her, so upon reflection, I realized I had paired her working with someone she had "some issues with". There had been a misunderstanding. Some words might have been spoken carelessly. There may have been an email written and then send hit when some time and delete would have been better.

So I caught up with her and apologized.

Hey, I'm really sorry. When I asked you to help her, I was totally not thinking about your guys's troubles. It must of been awkward, huh? I'm really sorry.

Oh no. No. It wasn't that. I mean yeah we have had our thing, and at times I have tried to steer clear of her. But that wasn't it. "We grown." She was her same old happy self again. We're good. I really just wasn't feeling well.

I've heard this voice of community in other ways. "Being grown."

We are kind of like the brothers you never had. You can fight. I can disagree. But at the end of the day we love each other and nothing you can do or say can make us not brothers.

I want to be able to really talk about how I feel and think and not be afraid I'll say something to upset the Sunday school class.

"Being grown."

Sometimes when you are honest with me, I just can't look you in the eye.

It seems to "blow my cover".

I feel a need not to just steer clear of you but to pretend you don't even exist.

Sometimes when you speak a painful truth to me (and I always appreciate it when you take some time and consideration and even talk to others before you speak this painful truth to me), you become "dead to me."

I want to vote you off the island.

But, I find myself longing to "be grown."

And if you do, too:

Maybe we could even grow together.

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