Sunday, November 8, 2009

are we there yet?

We were discussing the desired outcome of a mission event when it became apparent we mixed up the pace with the result.

It can be about the journey and not the destination, but the fact that it might the destination might be reached in a specific time shouldn't negate the desire to understand why we are on the journey.

So is the ultimate goal of this mission trip that local community members will ultimately have control of the program?

The first year or so, we might just be building trust and doing everything for them.

Will we be moving from providing services to community autonomy?

We are bringing in the resources from the outside at first.

Are we seeking community members to take on leadership?

We don't know what direction the spirit will take.

What's the ultimate goal?

We don't know. We don't want to limit it.

The fact that it will take time sometimes keeps us from determining what we want to do.

Is everything that way or is that just church?

Hopefully at least we do no harm.

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