Tuesday, October 20, 2009

test or toy catalog?

My older daughter works at a toy store and from time to time has to take a test over new product lines and learn about and verify her knowledge of the new items so she can be a better salesman.

She was going over the latest "packet" of toy information recently and complaining about how she wishes she didn't have to take these product tests.

Shortly afterward my younger daughter came into the room and saw the product packet and exclaimed, "Yay, a toy catalog!"

Which begs the question: your Bible study curriculum, ministry team agenda, leadership book, or event calendar-- annoying work obligation or toy catalog?

Would you flip from page to page and pick the one item on each page you would most like to have (that's what we used to do with the Sears Christmas catalog every year at Christmas time.)

Or would you just as soon cheat off someone else's product test so you didn't have to actually learn about the new stuff.

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