Monday, December 8, 2008

Making Connections

The reason you do something is often as important as what you do when you get serious about making connections.  A connection starts with communication.  

How do the people you are trying to connect to and with each other communicate?  E-mail, instant e-mail, text, cell phone, facebook, newsletter, blog, face-to-face?

Do you encourage a group to communicate differently so everyone communicates in common or do you vary your communication to suite the members of your group?

Once you determine who communicates how, what are the other aspects of connection?  If you start using the most mundane meetings that you already go attend to connect, it might make them less mundane.  What are the components of a connection?  You learn something about another person.  You gain understanding of how a person thinks about something.  You share a past experience.  You experience something together.  You develop a common consciousness about an issue or idea.  You share an idea.  You share a "joy".

John Maxwell in the 360 Degree leader shares 5 levels of connection.  1.  People have to connect with you in some way because of your position.  2.  People connect with you because they want to.  3.  People connect with you because of what you have done for the organization.  4.  People connect with you because of what you have done for them.  5.  People connect with you because of who you are and what you represent.

While you may never become "friends" with the people you are connected to are that you are responsible for leading, you should consider how and why they are connecting with you.  If it is only because they have to, you might want to find more, better ways to connect.  Try stepping up a level.

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