Monday, February 8, 2010

Low Expectations and Low Freedom

If you 1) really don't think the ministry team will do much or 2) you are not really sure what the purpose or direction of the ministry team is and you kinda of let them know that in any number of ways such as: not providing guidance or expecting them to meet very often and you find yourself really making of the decisions and the ministry team is really a rubber stamp, you might observe the following symptoms:

Low Expectation/Low Freedom

•“We’ve never done it that way,” say leaders

•Volunteers are sought to fill slots

•Ministry Team inactive

•“Nobody’s really doing anything”

•Mire of mediocrity

•"Whew a 20 minute ministry team meeting, that's a new record"

•Creativity and innovation are stagnant

•"We came in under-budget"

•Ministry is defined by what organizations and missionaries you support financially, not the number of people you have engaged in mission and ministry

Expectations: What do you really think those you serve are capable of? What is it you belief will happen as a result of your efforts?

Freedom: How much latitude you give your ministry team to lead, to set vision, purpose, mission, and values and to evaluate the results?

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