Friday, December 11, 2009

Keeping busy?

A blog post by Brian Ward reminded me of how cool the missional concept is.

It is kind of intuitive and it's kind of overlooked because of it's... simplicity--maybe?

I was also reminded of it when a friend described a mission project, with a wistful look in his eye, as being "really good".

Not like other things, he described, we do which seem like "busy work" sometimes.

I could vibe with what my friend was talking about.

Some stuff you do because you have to do it. And sometimes in the obligation you lose sight of the opportunity. Check out Keitharsis for more on this idea.

This is busy work. The wood to chop and the water to tote. And there is alot of it out there. We have to produce it. Or perish. And we can produce it by the ton.

What I like about the missional church is that there is very little busy work.

It's all "really good". Because it is all done for the sake of relationships and for the experience and for how it empowers others and yourself to want to do and be more.

We'll always have wood to chop and water to tote. It helps to consider who we are chopping with and what we are toting for. And then "busy work" can become "really good". And missions can become missional.

Thanks Brian. And good luck.

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