Saturday, September 26, 2009

How smart are your competitors?

A business entrpreneur was lamenting that his competitors "are idiots." I thought this was a strange thing to lament. I thought if your competitors in business weren't too bright or savvy, that would be a good thing.

But he explained that by introducing costly or unnecessary features in their product lines, they were essentially doing a disservice to the industry standard. Their ignorance wasn't just detrimental to them. It affected everybody "in the game."

In a sort of play on the emperor has no clothes concept, even if the feature or innovation that one company adds isn't a good one, the other companies who provide the same goods and services have to do it or give the appearance that they are being left behind or aren't innovative. It's a kind of industry peer pressure.

Do you suppose there are things we do in mission and ministry that are more reactive to what is happening culturally rather than out of our sense of the call?

Do other organizations shape our vision more than we would acknowledge simply out of our desire to do "what everybody else is doing?"

How do you like my outfit?

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