Monday, January 24, 2011

You always come through- this time won't be any different

What I was trying to tell you is that I've seen you in so many situations where you faced a challenging situation,

And even though there were a few set backs and a good amount of give and take: as time went by you (your desire and your heart) prevailed more than you were vanquished.

I just don't think overall--and we may have to zoom out a ways to see it-- this time will be any different.

Who knows what distractions came along and how you might have reacted differently?

Why does it seem to come so easily to others sometimes?

I read recently that people see groups that they aren't a part of to be much more homogeneous than they really are.

People who seem successful probably have the same fears, anxiety, and self doubt about their thing as you.

What they have been able to do is work harder.

I think Terry Bradshaw's dad told him that there will be people who are better athletes and smarter quarterbacks, but there aren't people who will work harder.

It isn't a question of "Can you do it?"

It's a questions of "Will you put in the work to do it?"

The bad news?

It's really a hard question.

The good news?

You get to answer it.

I'm with you.

I'm answering the same question.

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