Now look at this image:
Now repeat the process, but this time when you close your eyes think: "yellow arrows to the left".
Now look at the image again:
Now consider this story:
There was a landowner who sowed a field with grain. His enemy came along and sowed weeds in among his field.
Now close you eyes and think about the good parts of you nature. The times you came through.
Now look at that field of weeds and grain growing together. What do you see.
Close your eyes again and think about the times you have let yourself and those who count on you down. The parts of yourself that you wish weren't so...wrong.
Look at that same field. What do you see now?
The quirky thing about "missions" is that it tends to interest us in people because of what's wrong with them instead of the good things about them. We sometimes focus our interest in others based on what they don't have instead of what they do have.
We do the same thing with ourselves and to one another.
We forget the treasure is in there, in us, and in them.
What we see sometimes depends on what we close our eyes and imagine to be.
Now close your eyes...
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