It makes it eaiser if you have something to sell.
I have always shied away from the fact that I had something to sell or an idea to convince you of or a position to persuade you toward.
And I don't think I've really been doing anyone any favors.
Adam Neal works with the United Methodist Church as a missions specialist.
I recently had a chance to talk with him about the Global Ministry of the United Methodist Church.
I knew that he wanted us to do something: to sponsor a project or to support a missionary partner or to covenant. He was selling us on the importance of partnership with a GBGM missionary partner.
I gained an appreciation for that when I realized as we talked, some of the ideas and desires our church has for missions became apparent.
Some of them lined up with what Adam was "selling." Some didn't.
But because he had a desire (he wanted us to do something) some things became apparent.
Some things became possible.
Adam wasn't selling us missionary partners.
He was providing opportunities that we seek to find and fulfill.
And that made a huge difference.
I want to try to figure out how I and my organization can help you get to where you find God moving you.
Parts of it may help and fit. Parts of it won't.
But until I get a chance to let you take it for a test drive, I'll probably never find out which is which.
And you won't either.
Try it free for 30 days.
Whether you decide it's for you or not. Whether I make the sale or not: something will happen.
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