Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How to (or not to) find a good ministry team member

What's the purpose of a ministry team?

Labor pool, but that's really a guild
Rubber stamp, but that's really a puppet regime
Accountability group, but that really should have the word anonymous after it
Ministry legislators, but that's really a board
Staff booster club, but that's really a staff booster club
Empowered leadership team, but that's hard to control
Group of agenda holders, but that's just a group of agenda holders
An opportunity to get people involved, but that's really a member assimilation program

At any time a ministry team might take on characteristics of any and all these groups.

As we pick and choose who would be best on our ministry team:

Who is a one cause wonder and who wants to help us all live better lives?
Who thinks the church should really take on this cause and who wants to live out this cause?
Who likes hanging out with "like minded people" and who's ready to subordinate their interest for the greater interest of the organization?
Who has expressed interest?
Who is already active to some degree in the ministry?
Who wants to change the world and who is delusional?

The process probably starts with determining if I am able to identify myself as the person I am looking for.

If I'm not, who's going to help me be that person?

They might be a good ministry team member. Or not.

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