No, I mean really.
This isn't just for customer service people or the guy behind the counter.
Like, I'm trying to figure out expectations and what it is that I can do to help you in your efforts in ministry to God and the world. So why did you call me?
I'm pretty bad about just jumping in there everytime you say you want to do this that and/or the other. Because, I guess, I basically figure that's my job. Or maybe it just that people often seem so uninterested in ministry that I jump at a warm body that says they want to do something. Anything.
I often don't ask "How can I help you?" because it, to me, comes across as: "Sorry, that's not my station", or "I'm on break", or "I'll tell me supervisor", or "I don't know, I just work here" type of a thing.
And if I ever do, it's not like "How can I help you?" (emphasis on I- what can I specifically, uniquely do?)
I'll just come out and see what you want to show me without any real desire to help or without any capability to help or provide what you need. It'll take lots of time, effort and energy away from the things I think are really important, but oh well: I tried.
I fee like if you want something, I better drop everything and come help. Otherwise it might come across as "Failure to plan on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on my part". And that seems so...cold and unministryish.
But ultimately, you might not realize my strengths, abilities, and connections really don't match up at all to the task you wish to tackle.
Then again, that could easily come across as "I don't care."
...maybe I don't.
Is that OK?
Are we still good?
If so: maybe now I can help you.
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