Friday, September 10, 2010


Porn isn't just about naked people.

In the case of sex porn, alot of it has to do with the idea that you can have the pleasure without the pain.

There is leadership porn. If you follow this ten step program you can obtain life transformation in your people without the frequent honest and difficult conversations and the willingness to receive critical feedback and then change how you do things to be a better person and help the organization and it's people realize their promise.

There is missions porn. Supporting local agencies or global partners and reading the newsletters and finding about all the wonderful transformation taking place without you having to take on anyone's suffering or having to hold a child while they die or having to clean up someone's vomit after they promised you they weren't drinking any more.

Spiritual porn might involve lots of flowery language about how when you turn yourself over completely and wholly to god, you will find the place that he has been calling you to without having to really be present to a conversation with someone about how all the muslims are trying to kill us.

My favorite is recycling porn. Doing something to feel better about yourself without really having to change your life.

It can be addictive.

It can destroy lives.

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