If you speak about the hundreds (thousands?) of ways that God manifests his presence intrinsically and inherently (and often unexplainably), you'll usually find someone who needs a more explainable god.
Talk about how things just seem to somehow "work" in natural systems such as organization of ant colonies and termite mounds and birds of the air and lilies of the field and you will see a reenactment of how religion came to be established.
We need a god that aspires to the same level of complexity, rationality, and essentially functionality as we have.
It's natural and important.
But there is more and that is where we sometimes lose heart.
We can't back away from the simple fact that there is more.
Explore more.
S'more. It's not just a campfire snack.
"in the beginning God created heaven and the earth..."
And then: more.
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