I was an early adopter for the first time that I know of recently.
I learned something, I think, about early adopters.
They aren't early adopters because of what they will know that others won't.
They are early adopters to find out what the technology can't do.
And, based on my first foray into early adopting, we do it with technology we are confident will grow and develop in a positive direction and take us with it.
I'm not sure if my ministry does that with or for early adopters.
I probably play too much to that nameless, faceless middle of the bell curve. I want everybody to know how much I can do. The fastest way to the easy and right answers.
And I worry abut the laggards. I want everybody to love me.
And not much is happening.
Let me think about who my potential early adopters might be and how I might attract them by showing them what I can't do and then we can work together to learn about it.
Then maybe some stuff will happen.
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