Monday, February 1, 2010

Low Expectations and High Freedom

If you don't really expect much from your ministry team, but give them lots of latitude, you might see a few things happen.

Expectations: What do you really think those you serve are capable of?

Freedom: How much latitude you give your ministry team to lead, to set vision, purpose, mission, and values.

If you have low expectations and so give your ministry team a level of high freedom, you can count on:

•Failure to identify/articulate focus (mission).

•Antagonism and a zero sum game outlook attitude among various ministry teams.

•Ministry team follows path directed by happiness of a few. You'll spend lots of time trying to mollify critics.

•“Everybody’s doing their own thing”.

•“Sometimes it's easier to say yes than to explain why you said no."

•Cancer of Chaos.

•You'll find train wrecks of leadership that serve the status quo's ability to control the initiative and creative process of the team.

• The more things change, the more things stay the same.


Do you trust your ministry team enough to believe they are capable of doing great things? Set clear expectations and give them room to work.


Watch "The Fugitive" and enjoy trying to apprehend the escapees.

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