Friday, January 1, 2010

3 words for 12 months

I have been inspired by Chris Brogan and Jon Swanson to articulate 3 words as guiding principles for what I select and reject in 2010.

Zoom in (focus) would probably be good. Find the one thing to do better than anyone else. Do one thing well instead of lots of things poorly. But not just that. Also zoom out. Can't see the Forrest for the trees (HA!)? Take a or several steps back. Know when to spend lots of time and attention with the most important relationship that makes every other relationship work (me+wife): how many times do I call the work number just to say: hi- I'm thinking of you? How many times will I remember to open the blinds so the light will get in for her plants? And then zoom in and out within the relationships most key to connecting and engaging people in their spiritual journey. With these people: how long will it take to return a phone call or email? How quickly can I set up a meeting with these folks? And then take a look at the community and even the world: in what ways are these relationships making things different for communities seeking to grow? Zoom in and out (quickly).

What are the people closest to me dreaming about? What are the dreams that people are dreaming because it's a nice thought and what are the things people want more than anything to become reality? How can I participate in both of those? What dream will become a reality in the next 12 months. What will people realize wasn't so important after all. How many different chords in the zoom in people of truth and beauty can we strike together?

The things I'm thinking through with the "men's ministry team leadership team" are the same things I'm thinking through with staff colleagues and local mission and global mission ministry teams. The concept is basically the same. How are we getting people involved in their discipleship growth? How can we do that more faithfully? Logistically: can google handle all of the tasks of connection that need to be handled in one place? Google calendar seems to be working. Should I also turn over management of contacts to Google and what about this google voice thing? Can I post stuff on the website and then from there it will go into bulletin, email blast, brochure and wherever else it needs to go? Can the same graphic be a web banner, a poster, and cctv slide?

I'll share back from time to time on how it's going.

Have a great new year.


Keith Reynold Jennings said...

Happy New Year to you, my friend!

Your writing continues to have energy and passion. I hope you will continue this journey in the new year.

Unknown said...

Thanks for getting me started. And in the truest and most beautiful way: the feeling is mutual.