Wednesday, November 18, 2009

mission: lose a tooth

I spoke to a group of 8 year olds today.

My mission was to read a book to them on behalf of a civic club that a friend, who invited me to participate in the reading program, belongs to.

Part of my mission was to explain a little bit about the civic club.

I handed out book marks and was about to read the organization's mission statement when I decided to ask the youngsters: "What's your mission?"

"To be in a play."

"To lose this tooth, see?" It was loose for sure.

"To be in a play and have lots of people come to it."

"To play the guitar."

"To play the drums."

"To be in a play and have lots of people come to it. And to make them all laugh."

It was interesting because usually when I ask people what their mission is the response is:


"You mean my mission statement or the mission statement of the ministry...or the organization, or what?"

"I don't know."

"I hate mission statements."

While I was in the process of reading to the 8 year olds, one of them accomplished his mission. His tooth came out. Man, he was excited. And I was excited. Because it's exciting, but also because I knew what his mission was and that he accomplished it.

We don't do that enough- share our mission and then share the joy of accomplishing it.

So forget "What's your mission?" because apparently that question gets loaded with baggage the older we get.

How about: "What do you want to do?"

It will be exciting when you do it. For you.

And if you are willing to share it with me:

For me, too.

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