Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What's next?

You've just joined a faith community (a church, let's say).

What are you going to do now?

Find out how to get plugged in, right? To take it to the next level.

So.  You would want to know what's going on.

And you would want to find a small group to be a part of, right?

Should all of those small groups be communities?

Are clubs OK?

Do we concentrate on identifying and activating communities?

So... What is a community?

Requires something of you- wants your skin in the game
Seeks happiness for others as a requisite for your happiness
Is always on the look out for people to join it
Knows its cause
Has ways for members to connect with each other, its leader, and its cause
Has a leader
Practices Radical Hospitality
Members realize they are part of something bigger than itself
Aware of the needs, gifts, abilities of those who seek to be a part of the community
Has an identity

What characteristic would you add to the list?

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