Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bread Bowls

I have never been able to figure out how to properly eat a dish served in a bread bowl.  Any food for that matter that is served in a container that you eat such as the taco salad shell thing.  If you eat all the soup or the salad, then you're kind of not wanting to eat the bread or the shell all at one time.  Ice cream cones are a little easier to eat with satisfaction because you can somewhat eat the container along with what the container holds a little bit at the time, but attempt that with the bread bowl and you have soup all over everywhere.

Anyway, how do we as leaders in Discipleship hold the things of God and offer them without ourselves being consumed in the process?  If you give yourself entirely to the thing, then what's left to hold the next serving?  But if you are ceramic or porcelain, how do you ever give yourself over to the task?  And how about the people who are really just interested in consuming you and not really interested in what you contain?

Does it have to do with timing somehow?  Christ was the ultimate bread bowl for humanity.  He both held the love of God, but offered himself as well.  And when the time was, and is, right; he was, and is, consumed

How do your regulate how much soup you offer and how much bread you offer when you are a bread bowl?

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