...Consider what Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, the life. No one comes to the Father but through me." If all religions are a valid way to God, then Jesus was not telling the truth. And if Jesus was not telling the truth, He is not the only way. Truth, by definition, means that one statement is true and a contradicting statement is false.
Either Jesus is truth or universalism is truth. What do you believe? I believe Jesus...
Interesting, because I've recently been mulling over how there's more than one truth.
Your truth.
And my truth.
That's at least two truths and the fact is there is at least one truth for every you and for every me.
What difference does it make if you start with the idea that there is only one truth and everything else is false or if there are lots of truths?
For me, it's that one leads to lots of arguments about what Christian is.
The other one leads to discoveries about how Christians live.
I'll have to spend some time with you to figure our if your truth helps me live into the truth of Christ.
And you'll have to do the same.
I'd rather live with you and your truth and find out how it helps (or doesn't) me live a more truthful Christian life.
Than argue with you about what's true and what's false.