If I tried to get you to put up a bulletin board about your thing, I would probably have to ask a few times and explain what I'm wanting from you a couple of different ways.
My three seconds: Ministry's hard. That's why there are so many "Sunday School" answers. You have probably figured out the right thing to say when and how to produce a good event. Let's spend some time talking about and going about stuff that matters. Join the conversation.
I have recently been trying out a new channel of information that I learning how to access: online forums.
I had a question about a photoshop element issue that I couldn't figure out and couldn't find answers for through the conventional technical support venues.
I joined a community called Elements Village and found a question from 3 years ago that was similar to my dilemma, but not exactly the same.
So I took a chance and messaged one of the people who was involved in the email stream, Wendy, and asked her about my specific situation. What would be the chances that this person was still involved with this group?
Within a few minutes a got a response. I asked a few questions and was able to figure out the issue. My layers, you see, were flattened and therefore I couldn't edit the text I inserted earlier. So I was able to resolve it in a short period of time and the interaction was really enjoyable.
So this was just an individual who really liked Photoshop Elements and was interested in helping other people fully activate their potential as well as the software's capabilities.
For free.
Why? I actually asked her why she was able to give more attentive and caring personal service than most paid customer service people I have tried to get help from.
Oh, she wrote back, just giving back.
Apparently when she stared with Photoshop Elements, it was pretty overwhelming and some folks "in the village" helped her. And now she knows more about it and wants to help others learn about the program.
I told her how much I appreciated it and how much it meant to have her take an interest in me and my "art".
Then she really capped it off.
She replied: It won't be long before you get the hang of Elements…and then you will find yourself answering questions for others.
For one quick interaction, she sure has lots of confidence in me.
I hope it's a self fulfilling prophecy.
Because she believes I will (learn the program and then actually help others) I feel like I will.
It's good to have people help you learn about something that seems daunting- photoshop elements, faith, life- and it makes you want to help others.
It's good to be in the village.